CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWSCOLORADO TEACHERS OF ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGESRevised and Adopted as Amended by Membership at the 37th Annual CoTESOL Fall Convention on November 9, 2013 CONSTITUTION I. NAME The name of this association shall be the Colorado Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CoTESOL), an affiliate of the international organization called TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) International Association. II. PURPOSE CoTESOL is a non-profit organization whose purposes are to disseminate information, to provide opportunities for discussion and study in TESL/TEFL, Bilingual Education, and related fields, and to raise the level of professional training for persons working or interested in working in these areas. III. MEMBERSHIP Membership in CoTESOL shall be open to all individuals who at any educational level teach English as a second language or English language learners in mainstream classes, as well as to those otherwise involved in such teaching or interested in it. Nonvoting membership shall be open to institutions, agencies, and commercial organizations. IV. MEETINGS AND QUORUM The annual meeting of the association shall be held at the fall convention. Those members present at each meeting shall constitute a quorum. V. OFFICERS AND STANDING COMMITTEES 1. Executive Officers The officers of the association shall be a President, a 1st Vice-President, a 2nd Vice-President, and an Executive Secretary (Treasurer). 2. The Board The work of the association shall be directed by the board, consisting of the Past President, President, the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President; the Special Interest Groups (SIG) Co-Chairs; member(s)-at-large; and those persons appointed by the board to serve in special capacities (for example: Communications Liaison, Publishers' Liaison, Socio-Political Concerns Liaison, Entertainment Liaison). All unpaid board members have full voting rights. 3. Other Committees The board may appoint standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary for the benefit of the association (e.g., awards and scholarship committees). VI. AMENDMENTS Amendments to the Constitution and the Bylaws may be approved by a majority of the members present at the annual meeting of the association provided that notice has been given before the amendments are voted on. BYLAWS I. ANNUAL DUES, MEETING FEES AND FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES Annual membership dues and registration fees shall be established by the board. Annual membership dues are included in registration fees. Non-convention attendees have the option to purchase membership separately. The board may authorize fundraising activities and establish fees for such activities (e.g., publishers' exhibits, directories). II. PUBLICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Members shall receive newsletters and announcements. III. MEMBERSHIP YEAR The membership year shall be for one year following the date the membership dues are received or following the date of registration. IV. DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and at all meetings of the board. The President shall be an exofficio member of all committees. After completion of the term of office, the President is invited to serve on the board as immediate Past President in order to provide consultation. The President shall appoint a board member to take and distribute minutes at every board meeting, and will chair the Awards and Scholarship Committees. 2. 1st Vice President: The 1st Vice President shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the President in the President's absence. The 1st Vice President adjourns the annual meeting. The 1st Vice President serves as President Elect and shall succeed to the Presidency the year following service as 1st Vice President.3. 2nd Vice-President: The 2nd Vice-President shall act as an assistant to the 1st Vice-President. The 2nd Vice-President serves as 1st Vice- President Elect and shall succeed to the 1st Vice-Presidency the year following election as 2nd Vice-President. 4. SIG Co-chairs: SIG Co-chairs on the board shall be responsible for promoting membership and assisting in the organization of meetings, workshops, and conferences, and shall be liaisons between the Special Interest Groups and the board. Two SIG Co-Chairs shall organize and oversee annual forums for their respective SIGs. The membership shall elect at the annual convention a replacement for one or both co-chairs for each SIG. 5. Executive Secretary: The board shall appoint an Executive Secretary who shall function as Secretary and Treasurer to the association. His or her duties are to sign all contracts, write all checks, pay all bills, deposit all funds and file all required IRS and State of Colorado reports. The Executive Secretary, as a paid position, shall be a non-voting member of the board. The Executive Secretary shall make an annual financial and membership report to the board and membership. The Executive Secretary also serves as the official liaison between CoTESOL and TESOL International Association and other affiliates, and shall archive historical documents of the organization. The Executive Secretary shall receive an honorarium established by the board and additional compensation to attend the annual TESOL International Association Convention. The Executive Secretary shall be accountable to the board. 6. Communications Liaison: The board will appoint Communications Liaison(s) to be responsible for publishing the newsletter. 7. Publishers' Liaison: The board will appoint a Publishers' Liaison to represent the organization to publishing companies and other vendors whose services would be useful to the membership; the Liaison will arrange for the publishers participation in the annual conventions. 8. Socio-Political Concerns Liaison: The board will appoint a Socio-Political Concerns Liaison to act as a representative, advisor, and advocate for the organization regarding social and/or political matters within the field. 9. Entertainment/Hospitality Liaison: The board will appoint an Entertainment/Hospitality Liaison to coordinate networking functions and entertainment related to the convention. 10. Member-At-Large: The ballot may include up to two Members-at-large who will support the organization with special projects that impact the association as a whole and will be available to assist SIGs and Committees as necessary. VI. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS I . Special Interest Groups: Various special interests shall be represented in CoTESOL by Special Interest Groups (SIGs). CoTESOL members may declare affiliation with up to two SIGs. VII. ELECTIONS 1. Election Meeting: The annual election of Executive Officers, SIG Co-chairs, and Member(s)-at-large shall be held each year at the annual meeting. Prior to the annual meeting, the membership shall receive relevant biographical material and a ballot to be returned to the board or to the Executive Secretary prior to or at the annual meeting. Voting shall conclude no later than one hour prior to the annual meeting at which time ballots cast shall be confirmed by the Executive Secretary. The term shall begin at the close of the annual meeting. 2. Filling of Vacancies: In the case of a Presidential vacancy, the 1st Vice-President shall assume the Presidency and shall complete the remainder of the terms of both 1st Vice-President and President positions. All other vacancies will be filled by a majority vote of the board. 3. Negligence of Duties: If a board member does not adequately perform the duties assigned to that position the board may replace that person through the procedures for filling vacancies. Approved by the Membership: 11-09-2013 | Not a CoTESOL Join us!Members include instructors, program administrators, students, researchers, and volunteers.JOIN NOW |