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Colorado Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


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Are you interested in helping Us support the Colorado TESOL community? 

CoTESOL board members are committed ESL, ELL, MLL, CLD, and bilingual educators from across Colorado who strive to bring meaningful, high-quality professional development opportunities to our broader membership.  Education, information, and advocacy are all part of what we do.  (Plus we have fun together!) 

Please join the CoTESOL board and help us to continue our mission. To be considered, you must first complete an application (click on the blue button) to express your interest in serving on the board.  You can read more about each volunteer position below.

Overview of Board Member Responsibilities

All Board Positions are Listed in Section IV of the CoTESOL Constitution

Attending board meetings: CoTESOL board meetings are held once every month, unless otherwise specified. We meet online, or in person with a remote attendance option available.  Different board members may offer to host the meetings, usually at their work sites. Much of the work of CoTESOL is done during the meetings, and the input of all board members is invaluable. Meetings are the place for influencing the direction that the organization takes.

Helping in general with the running of events: There are many tasks that go into running the annual convention, and nothing would happen without our board members. Some of the tasks may include: stuffing convention bags with programs and handouts, working at the registration area, serving as an "Ask Me" volunteer, handing out raffle tickets, or helping with AV equipment.  At our online events, board members volunteer to host virtual meeting rooms, moderate the chat, and provide tech support to presenters.

Special Interest Group (SIG) Chairs

Contributing to newsletters: CoTESOL currently publishes 3 newsletters per year in the spring, summer, and fall. Each SIG is asked to contribute an article to at least one newsletter each year. The article can be almost anything of interest to the SIG: a book review, an update on a project, a summary of the convention, an interview with or spotlight on an individual, and so on.

Encouraging proposals for the annual convention: There are no convention sessions without convention proposals. As SIG co-chair, you can help make the convention more appealing to your SIG members by encouraging them to submit proposals. CoTESOL is a friendly place for first-time/novice presenters, and some people just need a little encouragement to give a session.

Reading and evaluating proposals for the annual convention: As the board representative for your SIG, you can assess session proposals better than anyone else on the board. CoTESOL relies on your knowledge of the ESL field to evaluate the proposals for the CoTESOL convention.

Lining up speakers for the convention: Each SIG has a block of time during the annual fall convention for a SIG "featured" session. This is a chance for your SIG to convene and to address a specific topic or topics of interest by inviting one or more speakers with expertise relevant to the membership.

Recruiting SIG leaders: When your term with the board is drawing to an end, CoTESOL asks that you help to recruit the next chair in your SIG.

Thank you for your interest!

Complete the following Google form to express your interest in serving on the 2025 CoTESOL Board:

Application for Volunteer Positions

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